Student projects at LBE...

...are organized and guided in the LBE group. They are dedicated to selected R&D projects in health care, frequently in collaboration with industrial and academic partners. These projects, typically lasting for 6-9 months, are open to students from any faculty or department. Students from EI (bachelor or master) will obtain ECTS credits for their equivalent workload in the project (e.g. as “Projektpraktikum”, “Ingenieurpraxis”, “Forschungspraxis”). Other students receive a confirmation letter for participation.

Student projects at LBE:

“Heat Shockers”: The prototype of a new, highly sensitive in-vitro diagnostic assay quantifying heat shock protein in human blood is developed. The levels or heath shock proteins have clinical relevance in oncology. Cooperation partners are from industry (supplier of optoelectronic parts; start-up in point of care diagnostics) and academy (Prof. Gabriele Multhoff, TranslaTUM). The project won the COSIMA 2018 competition of students in microsystems applications at the electronica fair, Munich, November 13th-16th.