Professor Alessio Gagliardi, University of Rome, TOR VERGATA, Italy, appointed tenure track Assistant Professor and Head of group Simulation of Nanosystems for Energy Conversion
How industrial-scale manufacturing of electronic devices, gas sensors, solar cells, flexible transistors pressure and temperature sensors, are all based on carbon nano-tube
"Laser with "rainbow" buffer could make new applications practical". Find out how laser applications work in biomedical imaging, material processing, and communications
Prof. Paolo Lugli, Chair of Nanoelectronics, gives lectures at GIST/TUM-ASIA Integrated Circuit Design 2012 in Singapore in Winter Term 2012/13
"Why organic monolayers on semiconductor surfaces are interesting for chemical and biological sensing, integrated molecular nanoelectronics and hybrid photovoltaics"
on July 21-22 2011, Deutsch-Italienische Dialoge 2011. Energy conversion with photovoltaics and photocatalysis applied with solar cells for water splitting and CO2 reduction for solar fuel production
Prof. Paolo Lugli, Chair of Nanoelectronics, gives lectures at GIST/TUM-ASIA Integrated Circuit Design 2010 at Singapore in Winter Term 2010/11
Providing ideal conditions for such interdisciplinary research in Physics, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Medical Technology and redefined in a single building.
Biocompatibility and biofunctionalization of an active semiconducting organic polymer and biomedical test systems based on organic biosensors in life sciences
Biosensor chip technology "switchSENSE" is including medical diagnostics, pharmaceutical drug development and proteomics research at the doctor's office
"Herstellung von polymerischen Nanostrukturen mittels Nanoimprint-Lithographie für neuartige Bauelemente der molekularen Elektronik und Nanoelektronik"