Space Electronics for Sensor Systems

Lecturer (assistant)
TermSommersemester 2023
DatesSee TUMonline


During the participation in the module the student receives a deeper understanding and knowledge in the following areas: - Basic elements of a space mission (Mission Subject, Launch-, Space-, Orbit-, Operations-, Ground Segment, Command/Control/Communication Architecture) - Characterisation of environmental conditions such as cosmic radiation, micro gravity, vacuum and mechanical shock/vibration loads for space systems - Interaction of cosmic radiation with electronical, optical and optoelectronical parts, counter measures - Design, development and qualification of space equipment, reliability and redundancy of systems, quality assurance - Development phases of missions, instruments and systems using the example of current projects, technology readiness levels - Project management and system engineering in space related development projects, conducting meetings and reviews


Lecture with Project Work

Fri., 15:45 - 17:15, N0507
Dr.-Ing. Sabine Ott

Further information and all materials are provided on the TUM elearning system.

Content of the Lecture:

During the participation in the module the student receives a deeper understanding and knowledge
in the following areas:

  • Basic elements of a space mission (Mission Subject, Launch-, Space-, Orbit-, Operations-, Ground Segment, Command/Control/Communication Architecture)
  • Characterisation of environmental conditions such as cosmic radiation, micro gravity, temperature variations, vacuum and mechanical shock/vibration loads for instruments and sensor systems
  • Interaction of cosmic radiation with electronical, optical and optoelectronical parts
  • Design, development and qualification of space mechanisms/mechatronic systems
  • Development phases of missions, instruments and sensor systems for remote sensing, exploration
    and basic research with the aid of current projects