Fiber Optic Measurement Systems
The workgroup Fibre Optical Sensor concentrates its interests
in the current theme of waveguide sensors, e.g.,
Experimental analysis of shear strain in fiber Bragg grating sensors,
Reliability analyses for fiber optic measurement systems.
Fiber optic measurement systems offer various advantages over conventional measurement technology. Therefore, we decided to commercialize the results of our successful research
activities in a university spin-off ( in 2010.
Your contact for all questions regarding the spin-off is Dr. Lars Hoffmann.
The spin-off had been supported by Exist-Forschungstransfer, a programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). It aims at funding unique research-based entrepreneurial activities which come along with demanding and risky innovations.
Later on, several venture capital investors backed up the company in order
to push the development and marketing of fos4X’s products.
One of the most important areas of employment is the dynamic load monitoring
of rotor blades and ice detection on wind energy converters. Furthermore, fos4X successfully applies its technology in the areas of transportation, infrastructure monitoring, and process monitoring. However, fiber optic measurement technology can be used advantageously in many more areas.
In order to create acceptance for this young and innovative technology,
the spin-off has three main objectives: Cost efficiency, reliability, and usability of fiber optic measurement.
History of the research of Prof. Koch
in the field of fibre Bragg grating measurement techniques
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Martin Jakobi