Welcome to the ESM student topics section.

The Professorship for Environmental Sensing and Modeling at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is researching topics of metrology for environmental applications, and monitoring greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions using atmospheric measurements and dispersion models.

Master's & Bachelor's Thesis

We are always looking for highly motivated students to work with us on the latest topics of environmental research and to dive with us into the field of environmental sensing and modeling. We are a very interdisciplinary group with a lot of opportunities to be a part of national and international projects and collaborations. We also would like to encourage students from other departments than Electrical and Computer Engineering to contact us. 

Engineering Internship (IP) or Research Internship (FP)

It's also possible to do your Engineering Internship (IP) or Research Internship (FP) with us. Please check the listed Bachelor's & Master's Theses topics and let us know which topics you are interested in to get an introduction into. Feel free to suggest your own ideas or topics.