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Department Electrical and Computer Engineering:

Center of Competence Power Systems of the Future


TUM Department Electrical and Computer Engineering:
CoC Power Systems of the Future
Center of Competence Power Systems of the Future


The worldwide increasing demand for electrical energy, the finite nature of fossil primary resources, the risks of the climate change, and the phase out of nuclear energy require a drastic change in our electrical energy system.

The complete electrical energy system has to change. A decentralized system has to supply services like frequency and voltage control, network infrastructure, a sophisticated communication system, based mainly on wind and photovoltaic energy, Storage systems have to be developed and optimized

The electric transmission and distribution grids have to be restructured and extended to cope with the new load flow scenarios. This will change the classical distribution structure and allows for a market entrance of a huge number of generators and consumers for a smart market.

Communication and intelligence will also appear in the distribution system (smart grid, smart system). This requires a secure and reliable IT-infrastructure. In this context the “Center for Energy and Information” has been founded within the Munich School of Engineering MSE.

The stability of the power system is based on large synchronous generators with high inertia and short circuit capacity. New operation and control concepts and protection systems are necessary to maintain the system stability. These concepts have to be applicable for a complete converter driven power system as well for a system fed by synchronous machines in parallel with converters.

The CoC Power Systems of the Future ties experience from the different related areas of science. R&D projects with partners from science, industry and economy address the main questions of the future of supply with electrical energy.



Coordinator: Rolf Witzmann, Power Transmission Systems
Alessio Gagliardi, Simulation of Nanosystems for Energy Conversion
Thomas Hamacher, Energy Economy and Application Technology
Hans-Georg Herzog, Energy Conversion Technology
Andreas Jossen, Electrical Energy Storage Technology
Ralph Kennel, Electrical Drive Systems and Power Electronics
Josef Kindersberger, High Voltage Technology and Power Transmission
Hubert Gasteiger, Technical Electrochemistry
Wolfgang Kellerer, Communication Networks
Guiseppe Scarpa, Nanoelectronics
Norbert Schwesinger, Micro-Mechatronical Systems
Georg Sigl, Security in Information Technology
Hartmut Spliethof, fEnergy Systems
Wolfgang Utschik, Signal Processing Methods
Gerhard Wachutka, Technical Electronics

  • Integration of renewables
  • Innovative network concepts and components
  • Electrical Storage SystemsSmart Grid
  • Smart SystemHigh-power transmission systems
  • High-voltage insulation systems
  • Electric contactsSystem dynamic
  • System stability, system control
  • Power plant technologyLow loss transmission
  • Energy efficiency
  • Distributed systems
  • Mini- and µ-CHPEnergy Harvesting
  • IT Security in the Smart Grid
  • Distributed Optimization in Power Grids
  • State Estimation in Power Distribution Networks
  • Nanostructured materials for batteries and supercapacitors
  • Hybrid solar cells
  • Communication networks for coordination, optimization and operation
  • Joint planning of energy and ICT networks
  • Power electronics for and control of renewable energy systems (e.g. wind turbines, PV modules)
  • BFS: Leiter und Kontaktierung zukünftiger Elektrofahrzeugbordnetze
  • KME: Einsatz von Aluminium in langzeitstabilen OEM-übergreifenden Hochvoltverbindungen für Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeuge
  • Industrie: Hochleistungsübertragungssysteme
  • Industrie: Harzsysteme für Hochspannungsanwendungen
  • Verband: Aufnahmefähigkeit von Verteilnetzen für verteilte Erzeugung
  • VDE/VDI (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft): Dezentrale Überwachung und Verbesserung der Netzqualität unter Einsatz von Leistungselektronik und neuen IKT Technologien - NetzQDSO: Netz der ZukunftIndustrie: Design and Control of Energy Distribution Systems characterized by a High Degree of Decentralized and Fluctuating GenerationTSO: Systemstabilität beim Übergang vom Schwungmassensystem zum Wechselrichtersystem
  • Stiftung: Langlebiges Energiespeichersystem für erneuerbare Energiesysteme
  • Bay. Staatsministerium: Stationäre Energiespeicher
  • BMU: Photovoltaische Inselsysteme mit langlebigen Energiespeichersystemen auf Basis von Blei- und Lithium Ionen Batterien
  • NRF Singapur: TUM-Create-Electromobility in Megacities
  • IEA Implementing Agreement „Integration of Micro-Generation and related Energy Technologies in Buildings“
  • IGSSE: Integration regenerativer Stromerzeugung -- Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Bestimmung der wirtschaftlich optimalen Flexibilisierung im Stromsystem
  • ZIM: Basismodul für das Energy Harvesting
  • Industrie: Auslegung und Optimierung von PVDF-Harvester-Modulen
  • IGSSE: Multiscale simulation on nanostructured materials