News & Events

EQT meets NQS: A fruitful Meet&Greet between different departments

The group of Quantum Technologies (EQT) and the chair of Nano- and Quantum Sensors (NQS) join together for a new series of Meet&Greet sharing their experiences in research with each other.

Initiated by PhD students of the group of Quantum Technologies and the chair of Nano- and Quantum sensors, this event brought researcher of the School of CIT and Natural Sciences together. PhD students, master/bachelor students, Post-Doc's share their knowledge in nanofabrication, measurement setups and methods with each other. Together with the group leaders this roundtable event encourages meaningful discussion and eventually foster new synergies. We are grateful for MCQST to sponsor us with delicious delight in our second series of this event. Hopefully new collaboration can be made in the future.