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Featured as Editors' Highlights

Paper of Weig, E.M. et al. in Nature Communications as "Editors' Highlights" “Observing polarization patterns in the collective motion of nanomechanical arrays”

The editors at Nature Communications have put together an Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent research called “Devices”. We are pleased to inform you that it has chosen to feature our article, entitled
“Observing polarization patterns in the collective motion of nanomechanical arrays”.

The Editors’ Highlights pages aim to showcase the 50 best papers recently published in an area, and routinely replace papers as more great research is published at Nature Communications.

  • Doster, J.; Shah, T.; Fösel, T.; Paulitschke, P.; Marquardt, F.; Weig, E.M.:
    Observing polarization patterns in the collective motion of nanomechanical arrays.
    Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 2478 2022-05, 2022
    mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )

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