EU-Project OrgBio EU-FP7/2007-2013

Title OrgBio - organic biomolecular electronics in sensor biology, nanomedicine, micro- and nano-technological systems
Partners Technische Universität München, Germany; Microelectronics Center of Provence, France; Universidad del País Vasco UPV EHU, Spain; Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy; Imperial College London, United Kingdom; University of Rijeka, Croatia; Dublin City University, Ireland; Linköping University, Sweden; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France; Ibidi GmbH, Germany; Nanion Technologies GmbH, Germany; Bayerische Forschungsallianz GmbH, Germany
Funding funding through EU-Project: Reference OrgBio Proposal European Commission FP7 Seventh Framework Programme EU-FP7/2007-2013  (Marie Curie Actions Grant Agreement)
Duration 2013 - 2017
Contact Department of Bioelectronics Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines, CMP-EMSE, MOC Centre Microélectronique de Provence, Gardanne, France
Aim of the project / Overview

Organic Bioelectronics is a new discipline which holds promise to shape, direct, and change future medical treatments in a revolutionary manner over the next decade.

At the moment Europe has  unique leading position in this area, being almost all the world-leading groups in this field located in Europe and constituting the core of this international training network. However, realizing the promise of "Organic bioelectronics" requires research and training not only crossing discipline, such as electrical engineering, biology, Chemistry, physics, and materials science, but also crossing our European countries.

"The EU will add value on the global scene only if it acts jointly". OrgBIO is at the core of European technological innovation and will become an indispensable part of the educational canon.

It will establish a world-class training platform spreading around the highly interdisciplinary / intersectorial European-led area of organic bioelectronics.

Education along with science and entrepreneurial mindsets and attitudes is the core of the OrgBIO training programme, which aims at excellence and innovation, at all level.

Excellence in science is guaranteed by the world-leading groups which founded this research area.

Innovation in education is guaranteed by the involvement of researchers on education, business experts.

Using different sensors, actuators, electronic and interconnect technologies the network will develop multifunctional systems based on organic devices and materials with high sensitivity that interconnect technologies the network will develop multifunctional systems based on organic devices and materials with high sensitivity that are also flexible, conformable and present over large areas for various biomedical / biological applications in the life science.

Multi-analyte and disposable analytical systems manufactured by large-area printing methods will provides services to the individuals and healthcare community.

Targeted implemented interactions with a wide network of venture capitals and business actors will immediately transfer the research outcome to the European Industry.